About us

Our philosophy

Originating from a group of corporate IT finance experts with more than ten years of experience, CTRL-UP frees customers from disadvantageous contracts with overpriced conditions, inflexible terms and high capital commitment.

CTRL-UP works data-based. Our data expertise is based on the inhouse-developed CTRL-UP Management Information System, which creates complete transparency about costs, devices and contracts and in which all relevant data is professionally prepared and made available to customers. 

CTRL-UP ensures more sustainability in the use of your IT equipment, extends the life cycle of your devices and prevents them from premature scrapping. When it is time to upgrade, old devices enter a second or third lifecycle and are refurbished for sustainable device use.

Leadership Team

Dirk Stobbe

Founder & CEO

Dirk Stobbe

Jonathan Strelow

Director Operation und Partnermanagement



Why renting IT devices is booming


FinanzNachrichten.de Flexibel, transparent und kostengünstig


General-Anzeiger Online Flexibel, transparent und kostengünstig


Pressemitteilung CTRL-UP Start

Pressemitteilung Beteiligung Mittelständische Beteiligungsgesellschaft MBG

Press contact

Bestfall GmbH

Hindemithstr. 29
55127 Mainz-Lerchenberg

Andreas Valentin

Mobil: +49 (0) 171.3032104

E-Mail: andreas.valentin@bestfall.de